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For the past week, I have been reading and thinking about how to take the best photographs. Composition is what makes a photograph. So since a few friends are interested in this: I am sharing some nice online resources here.

A page that would make a great start is on Macteens: Simple introduction and the rule of thirds.

If you are a video person, Videojug is a must visit. Although I have seen better advice in other “rules of composition” pages, the whole array of photography-related topics presented there is satisfying.

Amateur Snapper is another very helpful resource, especially its rules page. I found its tips on taking portrait and architectural photography to be very concise and illuminating.  

The exposure basics at Picture Correct is a quick and to the point introduction. I haven’t explored the site much but you might find more nice things there.

Finally, there is also the Digital Photography School: whose 10 elements of composition show you a different take on things (here and here). Its portrait tips are just as unique while its 100 things I learned about Photography is fun to read.

The dPS has a weekly assignment forum which is a great idea for beginning photographers and it’s a great place to look at a variety of photos on the same subject taken by different people.

If you have the time, it might be a wonderful idea to start a photoblog, check out Cool Photoblogs for inspiration. 

My resolution is: shoot more and plan the shooting; compose more and crop less and shoot more portraits which capture the essence of the subject like this one:


Happy shooting :)